Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lincoln goes to get casted for his Helmet

Bryan and I took Lincoln last week out to Syracuse for all his appointments. The follow up with the Nuero-Developmental doctor came out great. She said he is right where he should be for 7 months but just to cross all the T's and dot all the I's she wants him to go back out there and see an eye doc and she wants the Pediatrician to check his hearing again at his next appointment. The next day he had 2 appointments, the first with the Spinal Surgeon who said his spine and everything is fine, he was just laying weird in the previous x-rays so that was GREAT news. The 2nd appointment was for the casting of his helmet to help reshape his head. The doctor was wonderful and Lincoln did not like the process at all. We have to pick the helmet up on April first and then go back a week later for a check up then every 3 weeks till he gets it off in September. We haven't quite figure out how we are going to arrange a once a month appointment all the way in Syracuse or to his watertown office but we are working on it.