Friday, June 26, 2009

just stuff

Well Lincoln turned 11 months on the 22nd and now its downhill to the big 1!! Its exciting but so depressing at the same time. Bryan say's he like's it because he will start learning more things and talking and things now and while I like that too I still feel like it went by way to fast! Must be a mom feeling lol. Lincoln has been having some number 2 issues bad so today is the watching day and if its not better then we have to take him to the doc's but he didnt wake up with a poop in his diaper like he has been so im hoping the pedialite helped to perk him up. It was super nice outside yesterday so I changed his clothes a bunch and took him out in about in our land to get some pictures. We were going to take him last night to Bryan's mom's farm to get some different shots but he was kinda out of it (think he was getting dehydrated) so we just took him home and forced him to drink. We are getting excited because on July 19th we are going to drive to Maryland and visit one of my friends Stephanie who I became friends with on a pregnancy board on here and she had her son a week earlier than me but we had the same due date. So Bryan, Lincoln and I are driving down to meet her and her son Austin and her boyfriend Matt and we are going to go to the washington zoo and to ocean city and bryan and her boyfriend are going to go crabbing so we are super excited to go. Lincoln hasn't had to ride in the car longer than a trip to Albany yet so im hoping a 6 hour trip tops wont turn into an 8 hour trip. We are leaving as soon as my hubby gets done with work so hopefully it will be quick and easy to get there.